The other day I met a very Lovely lady and had the pleasure of chatting with Carol for a while and she was telling me about how she likes to do "Quilling"? I've never heard of it before but once I did a quick search on my iphone and googled it I realized that I had seen quilling projects before but never knew the term for it? So after spending several hours visiting with her I decided to stop by the local craft store to pick me up one of the quilling tools. ~ And this is what I use to make my roses come out looking so nice. Be sure to get the one WITH the slit and not the one with the tapered tip which is basically like my paper piercer. I don't need another one of those! ~ LOL've asked for it so now you got it! I just uploaded my 1st tutorial video on YouTube! Before you view it please keep this in mind: 1- The video was filmed late last night 2- It was recorded via my iphone so it is a bit shaky 3- The actual screen size view is quite narrow 4- It is NOT fancy at all 5- This is my first attempt so please be nice with the comments {wink wink} 6- Okay now I'm just stalling trying to prevent you from viewing it...
Today I made this adorable goody bag using the Art Philosophy Cartridge. ~ It's so scrumptious you could eat it!
Starting on January 1st I will be kicking off the new year with a bang by continuing my "Project-A-Day for 30 Days" using the Art Philosophy Cricut Cartridge! This time however, it will be 31 days instead! Do you think I have enough in me to complete 31 days straight of project after project and will I be able to create that much projects with the Art Philosophy Cart? Only time will tell...
Vanessa Wachlin ~ Congratulations!!! I look forward to hearing from you so we can arrange delivery of your "Rock the Block" package!
....And for those who are interested in getting this awesome duo set for too can have this for only $15 dollars when placing an order of $25 dollars or more on my Close To My Heart website! Please leave me a comment if you are interested. Thanks!
Welcome everyone! I am back from a temporary hiatus. I am now ready to jump back in and become an active participant in the world of blogging! I have heard from quite a few of you that are interested in seeing some tutorial videos demonstrating how I've created some of my projects...well let me tell you that I have decided to buckle down and do it!!! I can't promise you that this will be anything hi-tech or professional in anyway! So I am apologizing ahead of time! ~ LoL....
But in the meantime while I get that all set-up I want to go ahead and invite you to participate in a FREE Give-Away that I'm having over on my Facebook page! All you have to do to enter into the drawing is to simply "Like" me on FB by clicking the "Like" at the very top of my page. If you've done so already then sign-up to follow my blog and if you've done that already as well, then refer a friend to do the same and YOU will get credit by having another entry entered into the drawing! The more referrals...the better chances of you winning! Just be sure they leave me a comment telling me who sent them! Please visit my FB page... for more information about this great Block & Stamp set! And please be sure to leave me a comment below to let me know that you are interested in this FREE Give-Away!
Greetings everyone! I would like to apologize for being absent from my blogging upkeep! I don't know if all of you have heard that I started up a group page on FaceBook that is dedicated to all things Cricut. The name of the group is called, "Made This With My Cricut"! FUN huh? So I've been really busy trying to get that site running smoothly and ironing out some of the kinks. I've had no time to post anything new lately and haven't used my dear old' Cricky Machine in a while! But hopefully sometime this week I will be back on track!? I have a couple fun projects that I'm excited about making and sharing with all of you. I am also looking into possibly making tutorial videos that so many of you have asked for. Please bare with me as I get ready to launch this whole new side of blogging for me!
Thank-you for stopping by & please come back for a visit real soon! Also if you wouldn't mind leaving me a comment after this post just to let me know you were here! I'd greatly appreciate it! - Smootchies! ~Tricia